I really want my own domain name. I really, really do. But alas, I am poor.
I named this blog Angst Angst Angst but I might as well have called it Ranty McRant 'n' Rant.
Also I like new beginnings because they're so filled with hope and love and sunshine and rainbows and unicorns and everything about the world that's grand until some jackass goes and fucks it up.
Hi. My name is Lauren and I like to draw.
I'm no Alphonse Mucha, but you know, it makes me happy and my parents think it'll lead me to poverty and all that jazz.
I always get spouts of inspiration in the dead of the night or super early morning, which pisses me off to no end, because I need my goddamn sleep and I can't sleep if the inspiration fairy is beating my cranium from inside out.
When I was a kid, I told everyone that I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. I find this quite hilarious now because back then I drew noses like a handicapped "h" and stick people with lines for eyes. But it occurred to me that when adults laughed at my answer was because they thought I was downright silly but my youthful innocence allowed such fantasies to be even thought of, not because they believed in me. Sigh.
So I suppose I'll just be an architect or whatever. But this makes me a terrible person because those who actually have a passion for architecture and the like will probably want to murder me. Well screw them because I'll be great at whatever I do.
But it'd be nice to draw everyday. Then again, anyone would like that.
Oh well. Another thing on my life goals list to be deleted, I suppose.
Peace out homies. Word to your mother.
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