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Oh hi there. I like to use angst as a verb. Three times. Consecutively.
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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Comin' in hot, ya heard me?

You know the band Hollywood Undead? I kinda love them. Their lyrics are ridiculous and slightly offensive, but I love them anyway. Just because.

Also I'd to share my hatred for all things that indicate a grade lower than my standards. It's my life goal to destroy them all and watch them weep with sorrow as I beat them into the ground. It's all very tragic, you see. If not, then we better take this outside (of the internet).

More people have been reading this, which kind of worries me, because I'm an angsty teen who is a disgrace to the English language and as no other language to turn to. And for that, I apologize, people whose eyes I am frying with the shamefullness that is my writing skill...s. Whatever.

On an off-note, my buddy attained a purple dinosaur on a leash. For me. To keep. His name is Alfred. Incidentally, I also possess a pet rock of the name of Alfred given to me by another friend of mine. I'm so popular (and attractive).

If you didn't know, I enjoy stuffed animals. Animales de peluche, for those of you who are pretentious Spanish speakers. Just kidding I'm one of those people even though I'm only in espanol dos. (I don't know how to do the tilde on this thing...or any other accent marks...don't judge me.) A lot. So much that it's kind of unhealthy, On the other hand, I have many other unhealthy obsessions so I suppose it's kind of the norm for me. Oh well. <insert sigh here>

Please have this list of stuffed animals that I own (and have named):

  • Winks (AKA Winky because I was a stupid child and thought that was better than what the name tag said), a stuffed elephant from Barnes & Noble and my most prized possession, meaning if anyone were to do anything to him I would shank them in half of  a second then put salt in the wound the next half-second.
  • Mr. Wuggles, an obsese, farting elephant that can't sing for some odd reason.
  • Coco, a male Gorilla puppet with a pink tutu and red lipstick that I drew on with red Sharpie because I'm super cool. Like your mother. Word. (To your mother.)
  • Apple, a pink monkey I acquired from New York that has freakishly long arms and legs because she's a rebel.
  • Mr. Turtle, a turtle given to me by my cousin who recieved it by her brother/my other cousin as a gift. He's slightly torn but that's okay because that makes him endearing.
  • Chiclet, a baby chicken in an egg because who doesn't like baby chickens in eggs?
  • Tigger...who is Tigger...but like the old style of Tiger...and he's supposed to be for babies. I won him in a fifth grade auction because I was such a badass.
And other animals that I don't really care enough about to name. The sad part is that I'm not lying. The author of Oddkins would be ashamed of me. Oh and Toy Story. I guess.

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