Welcome? Welcome.

Oh hi there. I like to use angst as a verb. Three times. Consecutively.
Also the random Submit E-mail thing below this is just to subscribe to this blog. Why you would subscribe to a blog of all things, I'm not entirely sure. Actually, I do know but it's super lame. But do it anyway. Please?

Monday, June 20, 2011

New Introductions

I really hope that I didn't unintentionally make a Glee reference.

Hi, my name is Lauren and I hate and love change at the same time.

Change is inevitable, yes? Universal themes that you should have learned in middle school (or primary school), young children. But you know, I like to keep my own pace and embrace change when change is due. Suddenly tell me that this and that is going to be different for the rest of eternity, sure, I can handle it like a bro, but that doesn't mean I'll go without complaining a bit.

So yes. If you're a constant visitor of Angst Angst Angst, I would just like to thank you, because the increase in value of the little counter at the bottom of the window is a real boost to my self-esteem, not going to lie.

In relation to that, you may have noticed that I like to introduce myself a lot. I do this not only because I'm a forgetful person, but as well as that I'm incredibly fickle in every sort of aspect, so my opinions tend to change quite often.


If anything, this post is nothing more than a small update to sate my sanity, if you can catch what I'm putting down. If not, don't worry about it.

But as of this moment, I am me, I am Lauren. I am angsty and whimsical and lame and me. That is all there is to it.

Peace out homies. Word to your mother.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


The thing I hate in the most in the world is myself because I am honestly a terrible person. Which makes me hate other individuals who are similar to me to an extent. One awful trait about me is that my pride is larger than life, which pisses me off greatly, because I constantly need to be in right in my mind as I am an incredibly stupid person. But it's quite obvious that I am wrong a majority of the time, so I've taken to not saying ninety percent of what I want to say.

Have you ever gotten that feeling of wanting to be really nasty to someone verbally in a way that will make come up with a quick rebuttle right then and there, but both of you know that the other will go home crying himself to sleep because he knows what you said was right? I get that feeling all the time because I can. But I'll just play it nice because I like attention and friends, as well as that I would not have the guts to apologize.

In the past, I've always found it quite easy to apologize. I suppose this is because I was just young or that I was so insecure that I told myself that I was perpetually wrong. But being the "bigger person" nowadays is really difficult for me. In fact, I think the majority of the apologizes I mutter while avoiding contact is because I know that I'm not the one who needs to say sorry but my ego whispers in my ear all, "Go on, apologize. It'll make the other feel like a doucebag and you'll have the upper hand and both of you will know it."

But then it occurs to me that not everyone is like who hangs onto everything because they actually have nice lives.

Expectations make me want to barf. Especially my own. But when other people hold up my actions to their own when they have no right to do so, I get seriously furious. Even when incompetent people get angry at you, the one who is always reliable or responsible. I'm sorry for occasionally cutting myself some slack when it's a daily occurrence for you. I'm sorry not taking my work into account for what I expect out of myself, not what you believe I should do.

I also hate when people complaining about people complaining. I do this often. But it honestly pisses the hell out of me when the one decent person with wholesome values is hurting and then some doucheface complains about it, saying that things could be worse off. Yeah, sure, that is most definitely true. but that doesn't change that fact in that point in time, said person is in pain, no matter the comparisons involved. I'm sorry, dear people, for having emotions.

I heard that it's better to recognize a thousand of your own faults than a single one of another's, but how is anyone able to do that nowadays without being bombarded with accusations of wanting attention? Because attention whores like me ruin it for everyone. I'm sorry for wanting to be accepted.

I like to think that intolerance has been the constant downfall of society since the beginning of time, because in all actuality, it is, even in abstract ways. But you know, some people don't understand, just like me.

Meh. Going off topic.
Anywho. I'd like to apologize to anyway I've ever offended, instigated bad feelings with, and the like.

But even though I'm going to be a hypocrite for this, I'd like to say that I fucking hate people who don't apologize. Sure, I don't verbalize such a phrase at times, but I at least imply it with my actions. So I'd like to apologize to the fucking punks who have made fun of when I was younger, I'm sorry, children who I didn't understand. I'm sorry, adults, who I could not comprehend. I'm sorry for not understanding, I'm sorry for not hearing, I'm sorry for not knowing, I'm sorry for not being sorry.

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Hi Jax.

My friend, Jaxxykins, told me that she would be utterly filled with delight if I made a post about her.

Please enjoy this acrostic:

Jaxxykins, you are quite the silly goose, for I am simply
Appalled that you would even beseech for such a ridiculous reason. Also,
Xylophone, for I cannot think of a word that begins with the letter "x" and would flow into this sentence.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Angst to the Extreme

I really want my own domain name. I really, really do. But alas, I am poor.

I named this blog Angst Angst Angst but I might as well have called it Ranty McRant 'n' Rant.

Also I like new beginnings because they're so filled with hope and love and sunshine and rainbows and unicorns and everything about the world that's grand until some jackass goes and fucks it up.


Hi. My name is Lauren and I like to draw.
I'm no Alphonse Mucha, but you know, it makes me happy and my parents think it'll lead me to poverty and all that jazz.

I always get spouts of inspiration in the dead of the night or super early morning, which pisses me off to no end, because I need my goddamn sleep and I can't sleep if the inspiration fairy is beating my cranium from inside out.

When I was a kid, I told everyone that I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. I find this quite hilarious now because back then I drew noses like a handicapped "h" and stick people with lines for eyes. But it occurred to me that when adults laughed at my answer was because they thought I was downright silly but my youthful innocence allowed such fantasies to be even thought of, not because they believed in me. Sigh.

So I suppose I'll just be an architect or whatever. But this makes me a terrible person because those who actually have a passion for architecture and the like will probably want to murder me. Well screw them because I'll be great at whatever I do.

But it'd be nice to draw everyday. Then again, anyone would like that.
Oh well. Another thing on my life goals list to be deleted, I suppose.

Peace out homies. Word to your mother.